Meet Sarah

Image description: The image on the right is a woman in a wheelchair smiling and conversing with two women sitting on the floor. A woman sitting in a wheelchair using a phone.

Sarah has spinal muscular atrophy (type 2), a rare neuromuscular condition that means she cannot walk or stand and is a full-time wheelchair user.

Her scoliosis and inability to sit independently means she needs specialist seating and postural support. She is in her late 30s and is supported by a 24-hour personal assistant team. 

Sarah works full-time, runs her own business around the UK and likes to travel. This means long days in her chair with limited opportunity to take a break from the chair.

Can you tell us about some of the seating products that you have been using to date?

I have been comfortable using an air cushion (Star) and matrix custom-moulded seating system backrest (by SOS). The latter was the best level of contact/contouring I had previously ever experienced.

Before using the Aerseat how would you have described your overall comfort and postural health (and how this impacted your day-to-day life)?

My comfort levels were generally good and at the optimum level of what was practically possible.

The moulded backrest is limited to being permanently fixed in shape. We had to agree a compromise position to enable me to sit forward, be active (eat and work), accommodate both a winter coat and a summer tshirt, but also allow me to recline in a rest position.

This compromise meant that I could never be fully supported in an active or a resting position.

After using the Aerseat how would you describe your overall comfort and postural health (and how this impacts your day-to-day life)?

Primarily, I am able to get better levels of contact and support all times of the day, irrespective of clothing or activity, because I can adjust the pressure as/where needed. Being able to do this myself via an app is hugely important for my mental wellbeing. 

Image description: A woman in a wheelchair smiling with a quote reading ‘…because I can adjust the pressure as/where needed. Being able to do this myself via an app is hugely important for my mental wellbeing.’ Sarah

What are the key features and benefits of the Aerseat that are most important to you?

Whilst my PA could manually pump up my seat before, she couldn’t do it when I was sat in the chair so the effectiveness was a guessing game.

Analysing and articulately precise pressure points to my PA was exhausting and I often simply wouldn’t bother as it was time-consuming and frustrating.

Now, via the app, little cognitive burden is needed - it’s just the click of a button whilst sat in the chair.

If another wheelchair user asked you “Should I try the Aerseat?” – how would you respond?

Give it a go!

If you are happy to use an app to buy your shopping or turn on the heating, why can’t you adjust your seating comfort? 

What are your comfort and postural health aims for the future and do you think Aerseat will help you achieve these?

I would really like my expert wheelchair service and OT team to be able to combine their expertise with this technology and achieve better health and cost-benefit outcomes. 

Aerseat Pro Aerseat Pro Aerseat Pro
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Aerseat Pro

Experience the power of dynamic postural management - the Aerseat Pro offers full body support, ensuring your posture is well aligned throughout the day across any activities you are engaged in.

It comes with 6 air support zones: Lumbar, Thoracic lateral right, Thoracic lateral left, Pelvic right, Pelvic left, and Thigh support. Each air cell is easily adjusted via the Aergo control app. The pressure sensors work together to readjust inflation as you move throughout the day, keeping you in a well-supported position. You are also able to trigger cycle mode for a 3-minute full-body movement. Aerseat users have reported this is their favourite feature that has kept them comfortable all day.

Aerseat pro comes with a 480*480mm (thickness 50mm) cushion, please choose the correct backrest sizing that best fits your existing backrest.

The displayed price includes UK shipping and excludes VAT.


‘Transformed my day-to-day life.’


Comfort without compromise