‘Transformed my day-to-day life.’
Jonjo Bright has been trialling the Aerseat since the end of 2022. We’ve been working closely with him on the version 1 prototype to ensure it’s meeting his seating needs. The team recently caught up with him for a more detailed Q&A on his Aerseat experience so far, and this is what he had to say…
Image Description: Photo from the right, a man on the right sitting in a wheelchair looking at two horses on the left. The back of a man sitting in a wheelchair with two horses on the right.
Can you tell us a bit about your injury, Jonjo?
I was 19, the age when you think you have life completely mapped out. I was an amateur jockey, racing my was my dream ever since I was a kid. My whole family were involved in horses and racing so it was inevitable this would be the path in life I’d choose.
I knew the risks, and I rolled the dice thinking “that would never happen to me”. But on the 2nd March 2013 at a Tyrella point to point “that” did happen to me.
I hit the ground and immediately realised this time was different. My body was concreted to the ground and breathing was almost impossible. I would go on to learn I had dislocated my C3 and C4 vertebrae causing a spinal injury in the process.
The outlook was bleak and there were tough days but before long it was that same ignorance I possessed that would lead me back to my “normal life”, albeit with a few changes.
Nonetheless, I was back to having productive days and becoming involved in my passions of farming and horses.
Fast forward to today and my day-to-day life has never been busier, balancing my time between my young horses, the farm and a new business.
Along with my physiotherapists, staying in shape has become a key part to my week including walking in a ekso bionics robotic suit.
Image courtesy of Irish Field. Image Description: A man wearing eskosekeleton suit and holding a walking frame. A woman behind her smiling.
Can you tell us about some of the seating products that you have been using to date?
Due to my injury being higher, I have always used a Roho seat cushion and continue to. Having searched the market, Roho was the highest level of pressure relief I could find in a single cushion.
But the mistake I was making was thinking that the cushion and only the cushion was the answer to my problem.
Before using the Aerseat how would you have described your overall comfort and postural health (and how this impacted your day-to-day life)?
It would be delusional to say that this injury comes without its problems. It changes most areas of your life, I do not and will never dwell on this.
However, the one problem that was truly getting on top of me was the pain while sitting motionless. I am naturally of a slim build and so my joints have very little cushioning.
These pressure areas were constantly turning into sores and anyone with experience in this injury will know that one problem usually leads to another. In turn, my muscle tone and spasms were through the roof!
This was affecting my life professionally and personally but most importantly it was beginning to chip away at my ‘glass half full’ attitude to life. The pain made me grumpy and this may seem extreme but I believe it was affecting the very person that I am.
I was beginning to question if this would be the first problem I couldn’t find a way around.
Image Description: A man sitting in an electric wheelchair, a quote on the right that reads ‘ Aerseat has completely and utterly transformed my day to day for the better.’ Jonjo.
After using the Aerseat how would you describe your overall comfort and postural health (and how this impacts your day-to-day life)?
When I first tried the Aerseat, I approached it with the mindset that it wouldn’t work for me until it proved otherwise.
Well this didn’t take long!
I very quickly realised that the cushion alone was not going to give me the solution I was looking for, but in fact the key was in the backrest! The team at Aergo listened to my every word and helped to personalise my settings and demonstrated how I could control them from my phone.
Simply put, this means throughout my busy day I can easily and independently change the area on which all my body weight is being distributed to, taking away the need for someone to reposition me every 20 minutes.
The words ‘life changing’ are probably thrown around too often, especially in testimonials!
If you’re reading this it’s most likely because your life is being affected directly or indirectly by a problem like mine and so I’m not going to give anyone false hope.
I can however tell you that in my case, Aerseat has completely and utterly transformed my day-to-day life for the better.
I’m back to focusing on the important things to me, I’m more productive but most importantly I’m just a happier person to be around…there are plenty of people to vouch for this!
What are the key features and benefits of the Aerseat that are most important to you?
The simplicity of the app is great!
No unnecessary complications and easily connects via Bluetooth.
The individual cells that I use most are the left lateral and top cells which are located at shoulder blade level. Inflating and deflating these two areas throughout the day has a direct affect on where the excessive downward sitting pressure will be distributed, meaning no single area is hit with pressure for prolonged periods.
The result is not a single pressure sore since I began using the Aerseat - Fact!
If another wheelchair user asked you “Should I try the Aerseat?” – how would you respond?
There’s a chance it could be the best decision you’ve made.