Young Carers Action Day

16 March 2022

Young Carers Action Day is an annual event led by Carers Trust.

It raises awareness and calls for action to increase support for young people with caring responsibilities.

#YoungCarersActionDay 2022 is about Taking Action on Isolation.

Carers Trust is working to make sure that all young and young adult carers get the support and access to services they need to live full and varied lives alongside their caring roles.

The charity spoke to young and young adult carers, they said they wanted Young Carers Action Day to be about tackling the isolation that they can experience.

They highlighted how having the right support in place – such as regular short breaks from caring - can be beneficial, giving them a better chance of succeeding in all parts of their lives.

Carers Trust also want to celebrate all the good practice taking place to provide access to support and services that help to prevent isolation among young and young adult carers.

Over the years Aergo Health has worked with and met many young disabled people and more often than not we’ve met their brothers and sisters too!

Today, we reflected on these wonderful young people and the important roles they have within their families. The support they provide their parents and how they anticipate and respond to their disabled siblings additional needs.

We know that they experience feelings of isolation and frustration and that they need ongoing support and respite from their caring responsibilities, which is why we are joining Carers Trust to help raise awareness of the work of young carers across the UK.

For more information visit - Young Carers Action Day.


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